As the Marketing Director of KY Vintage, I had an invaluable expirence. The dynamic nature of the role allowed me to apply all the knowledge I’ve gained throughout my schooling and take full control of creative direction. I worked under Kyle Middleton, founder, and owner of KY Vintage. Crafting engaging campaigns, designing compelling visuals, and strategizing marketing initiatives became daily tasks that not only honed my skills but also taught me the importance of adaptability in the fast-paced industry. Working with KY Vintage provided a unique insight into the intricacies of promoting a brand in a competitive market. Collaborating with a talented team and being involved in the entire process, from conceptualization to execution, enhanced my understanding of consumer behavior and the impact of effective storytelling in advertising. This hands-on experience has undoubtedly shaped my perspective and equipped me with practical skills that will be instrumental in my future career in the field.

VIP Flyer

A call to action! Are you part of KY Vintage’s VIP list? This flyer speaks to the benefits of being a VIP member with KY Vintage.


This QR code used for advertisements directs viewers to all links relating to the business from online shops to socials.


Thank You Cards

This ‘KY Vintage Thank You Card’ is shipped with all online orders. The purpose is to connect better with customers and promote social platforms.


A 24x36 sign for Kyle to use at events, trade booths, and pop-up shops. The focus was to show a variety of clothing and environment in the store while having clear messaging.



The Dalí


Baylen Levine