At The Dalí Museum, I was able to learn and absorb their creative guidelines which led to making in and out of house designs. This included creating designs for daily use for the museum staff, apparel design for the gift shop, and creating posters for future events. Through this internship, I obtained experience in advertising and marketing for business. I was lucky enough to receive creative briefs, attend meetings, create designs, and collaborate on marketing projects; all while being the youngest marketing intern The Dalí Museum has ever had. I worked under Julia Howard, the Art Director for The Dalí Museum.

Sueños De Dalí

Sueños De Dalí is an annual soiree that the Dalí Museum holds for Halloween. In 2022, the Sueños De Dalí theme was Zodiac. I was given a creative brief to make a poster that advertised the event while making the theme of Zodiac strong and clear. The top half of the poster resembles a sky using different ellipses to show stars and constellations. The main logo was altered to have a glowing moon in the “O”. The moon ties together the theme as well as acts as a focal point for the project. Below I have attached iderations that led to the final product.


I was asked to design The Dalí Museum’s new Faculty/Staff Identification cards. The Dalí Museum is the most visited art museum in Florida. Keeping that in mind, there are a lot of out-of-state visitors and tourists that come visit the permanent exhibit. As someone currently living in Florida who came from somewhere else, when I think of Florida I think of palm trees. I decided to draw these palm trees in Adobe Illustrator. The three palm trees hold the same color code as the Dalí branding style and bring a sense of surrealism and Florida together.

“Art is for Everyone” Tee Shirt Design

When I was handed this creative brief I found it very challenging. I questioned how I would incorporate Salvador Dalí’s work with a slogan that visually touches the “art is for everyone” theme. Salvador Dalí partnered with the French printing firm Draeger Frerés to produce 17 designs that were released as limited-edition playing cards in the 1960s. Based on “Paris pattern” cards that depicted Kings, Queens, and Jacks, Dalí’s interpretations are characterized by vibrant colors, cubist forms, and distinctive motifs such as melting clocks. The playing cards Dalí had designed were vibrant with all colors from the rainbow and showed strong depictions of feminism and masculinity through the Kings and Queens. As a designer, I thought this was an interesting viewpoint to look at ‘Art is for everyone’.




KY Vintage